Committee for Children produces materials that assist teachers and parents in informing their students about Social-Emotional Learning (the Second Step program). The program developers observed that the program could be more effectively administrated with support from the school principals, and so created the content in this product.

The Principal Toolkit includes a binder containing 74 pages of tabbed content that facilitates school-wide support by principals. This includes annual kick-off staff meetings, monthly staff meetings and activities, weekly announcements, and monthly assembly scripts.
Binder illustration by Joon Kim, art directed by Aileen Morrow and myself.

Binder content

Binder content

The Principal Toolkit also includes the spiral-bound Talk-It-Over Tool that displays the established Second Step posters, backed by scripts from which principals can help guide students that are sent to their office. There were some early ideas to combine the binder and TIOT in a triple-paneled device that could function as both binder and poster stand, but it was too unwieldy. I mooted the idea of having the TIOT be an A-Frame held within the binder via a 3-hole punch on the backboard.